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115 Norwood Park South

Suite 110

Norwood, MA 02062


781-769-4090 (Phone)

781-769-6485 (Fax)

Billing Questions

Monday-Thursday                                      8:00 am - 7:30 pm

                                               (Appointments start @ 8:30 am)

Friday                                                            8:00 am - 4:30 pm

                                               (Appointments start @ 8:30 am)

Saturday-Sunday                                             8:30 am -12 pm                                                (Appointments start @ 9:00 am)


Please call office to see which office (Norwood or coverage group in Foxboro) is open for weekend coverage.


Your questions were sent successfully! We will get back to you within 2 business days.


122 Grove  Street

Suite # 203

Franklin, MA 02038


508-528-5404 (Phone)

508-528-5383 (Fax)

Monday-Thursday                                      8:00 am - 5:00 pm

                                              (Appointments  start @ 8:30 am)

Friday                                                           8:00 am - 4:30 pm                                                 (Appointments & start @ 8:30 am)    
Saturday-Sunday                                                          Closed 

                                         (Coverage in Norwood or Foxboro)

Medical advice after office hours


For time-sensitive medical advice after office hours, call our regular office phone numbers (781-769-4090 or 508-528-5404).  


Our answering service will connect you with our triage nurse.  The triage nurse will consult with the on-call physician from PANF when necessary.   If the matter is not time-sensitive, please call the office during regular business hours.  


For all medical emergencies - call 911

Suggestion Box

We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Thank you for your suggestions. We take them seriously and appreciate them very much.

© 2015 by Pediatric Associates of Norwood and Franklin

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122 Grove Street

2nd Floor

Franklin MA 02038

115 Norwood Park South

Suite # 110

Norwood MA 02062



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